Websites and Apps:
1. Lin Healthcare
2. Curable
3. My TMS Journey

Podcasts (on Apple and Spotify):
1. The Cure for Chronic Pain (Nicole Sachs, LCSW)
2. Tell Me About Your Pain (Curable and Alan Gordon, LCSW)
3. Conversations on Healing: How Neural Circuits are Key to Understanding Chonic Pain episode with Howard Schubiner-
4. Pain Free You (Dan Buglio)
5. Being Well (Dr. Rick Hanson, PhD)
6. Unstoppable Body and Mind (Betsy Jensen)

1. The Way Out - Alan Gordon, LCSW
2. Books by Dr. John Sarno, M.D.
      a). Healing Back Pain
      b). Mind Over Back Pain
      c). The Mindbody Prescription
3. Books by Howard Schubiner
a). Unlearn Your Pain
b) Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression
c). Hidden from View: A Clinician's Guide to Psychophysiologic Disorders
4. The Meaning of Truth - Nicole Sachs, LCSW

Research Articles:
1. Boulder Back Pain Study
2. Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science: Is it safe to do Activities that are Painful
3. Lives on hold: A Qualitative Synthesis Exploring the Experience of Chronic Low-Back Pain